Are the crabs free range?

Here at StickySticks, we are proud to say that all of our crabs are happily cage free!

How do you come up with such interesting ideas?

If their is one thing we are, its creative. Every week we have scheduled meeting to brainstorm to product ideas for consumers. How do we do it? Well, how does your bed get made every morning when you leave for school? Exactly, no one knows, it just happens.

What gives your peas that iconic flavor?

StickySticks was built on peas. We've been producing the best peas at the best prices since the 70's, so we know what we're doing. After leaving our state of the art farm, they are loving cleaned and cared for in our factory. Victor Boyd the original founder of our company before rebranding even created a secret ingredient that only a handful of hardworking employees know.

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